An Invincible Summer? March 2018
Dear Everyone,
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer” (Albert Camus).
Meteorological mid-winter seems to have fallen on the 1st March this year, and with the daffodils caked in snow and the arctic breeze attacking your skin it’s easy to feel down in the dumps as you ponder what happened to spring.
Yet, as Camus (above) argued, some things, perhaps like the weather at the moment, are just a bit absurd and probably not worth getting too miserable about!
Classes this and next week will focus on finding a sense of internal brightness and physical stability to help us deal with the hostile ‘beast from the east’, or anything else that make life more challenging than it needs to be.
This week we will be opening the hips and the hamstrings in a flowing sequence that encourages us to move smoothly from asana to asana, in the knowledge that, just like our yoga poses, the weather, and other difficult things in life, will change.
Next week our practice will focus on strengthening the feet, legs and core and opening the area around the heart as we build physical strength and cultivate a sense of positivity (or even an invincible summer!) as we finally move into spring.
With the change of season in mind I am delighted to invite you to this year’s summer mini retreat in beautiful rural Berkshire. This day long retreat will take place in a beautiful village hall and garden near the river Thames at Remenham (one hour drive from central London, or a short taxi from the local station).
After our arrival tea we will enjoy an extended yoga session (possibly outside) of energising and uplifting flowing yoga before a delicious but healthy lunch and homemade cake. We will then take a walk through the nearby fields and woodland before a further yoga session to deeply relax and restore. The day will run from 11.30am until 4.30pm.
For more details please click here. The day will cost £72 (includes 2 long yoga sessions, a delicious lunch, homemade cake and teas) but £66 if booked before 1 May 2018.
Really hope you can come – last year’s retreat sold out so do let me know if you’d like a space!
Looking forward to seeing you soon – and hope you stay well and warm this week,