Energy boost for September?

Dear Everyone,

And finally the sun is out! Yet while the weather seems to think its time to go on holiday, a strong 'back to school' sentiment is filling the air.

In the past, new lunchboxes, pencil cases and school shoes* probably helped us through this time, washing away any September nerves with a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Suffice to say, the train journey to the office, the new Autumn project, or switching off your 'out of office' are not quite the same.

I suspect a little something extra to gear us up for the months ahead is in order for many of us right now. With this in mind, our Thursday classes will resume this week with a special practice to build some fire, or 'agni' to kick start our new 'term' at work. We will continue this theme into week two, blending movement, asana and breathwork to open up and energise - but also focus and calm - as we transition into Autumn.

Anyone who hasn't tried my online yoga classes yet - or hasn't for the past year, is welcome to try a class this month for FREE. Please let me know!

I am also happy to announce another 70 minute 'Gentle Yoga and Relaxation Workshop', suitable for all - including beginners - on Saturday October 9th at 5.00pm. Please book here.

Finally, those of you who were interested in the mini retreat day in Oxfordshire, but unable to come, might also like to pop April 30th 2022 in your diaries for the next such event. More details to follow soon!

Best wishes,


*perhaps these experiences relate to 1980s/90s schooling only..


A Five Second Pause


Retreat Day in beautiful Oxfordshire