The Inner Game of Tennis
Dear Everyone,
For the captivated Centre Court spectator, a game of tennis can seem the perfect illustration of effort and ease; immense physical strength, aggression and speed working in perfect harmony with a calm focus and elegant volleys.
Of course, this is not always the case - especially if the likes of the vastly talented Kyrios are on court (!) - but there is usually a clever balance of opposites in every player's game, similar in some respects to the 'sthira sukham asanam', or steadiness and ease, that we are looking to cultivate in our yoga practice.
Watching this year's Wimbledon reminded me of the absorbing read that is the 'Inner Game of Tennis' by Timothy Gallwey, a book that was actually recommended to me in a yoga teacher training. Billed as 'a revolutionary program for overcoming the self-doubt, nervousness, and lapses of concentration that can keep a player from winning', it's an easily-digestible summer read, combining some useful philosophy and psychology that could be applied as much 'off the court' as 'off the mat' (although it does help to have at least a seasonal interest in tennis!).
Classes (details below) will continue throughout the summer, although it is likely I will take a few weeks holiday in July and August. I will keep regular students posted.
And for now, if you have the time (and are so inclined) enjoy the tennis!
Very best wishes,