Buttered toast and Saturday relaxation - February 2021
A cosy woollen scarf, a ray of winter sunshine, a slice of buttered toast. Focusing on the small and simple things can help keep us chugging along when the outside world seems a bit confusing (and cold!).
Our bodies, breath, and yoga mat – or floor – fall neatly into this category, and a regular practice of tuning into the simple inhale and exhale, along with basic postures like cat, cow, dog and plank, is probably one of the best Winter 2021 survival strategies around.
The safe, inclusive, ‘anything goes’ time and space that a yoga practice or class offers us is also part of this therapy. There are few situations in adult life where we are told that it is ‘OK’. OK to stop, OK to lie down, OK to make noises, OK to roll around on your back and OK – above all else – to take rest and do absolutely nothing. And this year we need some OK time more than ever before!
I for one have found both my own practice – and my regular zoom classes with my wonderful teachers – a bit like a series of securely anchored ships in a stormy sea this year. A space where I can stop, hit pause, and know everything will be ok – at least for an hour or two!
On this note, I am happy to announce that in addition to our regular Tuesday and Thursday classes (dates and details below) I will be running a 70 minute gentle yoga and relaxation workshop, suitable for everyone – including beginners – on Saturday 20th February from 17.00 – 18.10 (pay what you can afford from £6 to £13).
I hope you can join!
Very best February wishes,