“Hurray!” Or Maybe Not..

Dear Everyone,

Pubs, restaurants, picnics, perhaps even eventually the office and community centre!

Or...well...perhaps not. While some of us are desperate to get back to in-person interactions, the thought of having to socialise again fills others with dread, the recent restrictions having ushered in a wonderful freedom to say "no, sorry, not today!"

One thing is certain. We will all feel very differently about moving out into the more liberal spring and summer. Patience, kindness and understanding will be in high demand, as will the 'inner strength', or courage, needed to set our own boundaries and remember we can still say no from time to time!

Of course, yoga works to cultivate a balance between strength and softness, and classes and workshops will continue to emphasise both of these. We will be integrating the strength-building practices of qigong, internal martial arts and pilates into our flowing sequences in Tuesday's MINDFUL MOVEMENT class and delving more deeply into the softer side of things in the next GENTLE YOGA AND RELAXATION WORKSHOP on Saturday May 8th (17.00-18.10).

Please book these and other classes via the website or drop me a line!

It continues to be a real pleasure to see so many of you online each week. If cash is tight and you'd like a code to attend for half price (or less) please let me know. I would never want money to stand in the way of anyone taking a class.

Best wishes,



Earl Grey and Burning Enthusiasm


Buttered toast and Saturday relaxation - February 2021