Earl Grey and Burning Enthusiasm
Dear Everyone,
A pot of earl grey from a cafe. A swim in the ponds with a friend. A trip to the coast for some hiking.
Luxuries we took for granted a couple of years ago have felt such a pleasure and a privilege this Spring.
It’s important to recognise, of course, that not all the steps back into the big wide world will be so straightforward, with months of anxiety and the residue of lockdown ‘brain fog’ making for an uneven path.
Happily, yoga is here to help, its combination of movement and posture practice, breathwork and meditation a fantastic tonic for calming and focusing the mind. Elements of the yoga practice can also help us create ‘tapas’, a Sanskrit word we can interpret as ‘burning enthusiasm’, something we might need to support our first day back in the office, for example!
Classes over the next month or so will integrate the above, focusing on creating space, building tapas, and quietening any anxious thoughts as we weave our way back towards meeting in-person.
Talking of which…my current plan is for Primrose Hill live classes to resume at the Community Centre in September. Online classes will continue over the summer – and – if there is demand – into the Autumn. For more details or to book please see my website.
Very much hope to see you soon!